教育背景 浙江大学农学博士(硕博连读,2013-2018)
研究领域 小麦,遗传育种
现授课程 耕作学、作物生产实习、种子学实验、微生物学实验
Qin R, Zeng DD, Yang CC, Akhter D, Md. Alamin, Jin XL and Shi CH, LTBSG1, a new allele of BRD2, regulates panicle and grain development in rice by brassinosteroid (BR) biosynthetic pathway. Genes, 2018, 9 (6), 292.
Qin R, Zeng DD, Liang R, Yang CC, Akhter D, Md. Alamin, Jin XL and Shi CH. Rice gene SDL/RNRS1, encoding the small subunit of ribonucleotide reductase, is required for chlorophyll synthesis and plant growth development. Gene, 2017, 627.
Qin R, Akhter D, Yang CC, Nath KU, Ishag1 J, Jin XL and Shi CH, SRG1, encoding a kinesin-like protein, is a new factor for determining the grain size in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Rice Science, 2018, 25(06):297-307.
Liang R#, Qin R#, Yang CC, Zeng DD, Jin XL and Shi CH. Identification and characterizatif a novel strigalactone-insensitive mutant, dwarfism with high tillering ability 34 (dhta-34) in rice. Biochem Genet, 2019, 57(3): 403-420.
Zeng DD, Qin R, Li M, Alamin M, Jin XL, Liu Y and Shi CH. The ferredoxin-dependent glutamate synthase (OsFd-GOGAT) participates in leaf senescence and the nitrogen remobilization in rice. Mol Genet Genomics, 2016, 292(2): 385-395.
Zeng DD, Qin R, Alamin M, Liang R, Yang CC, Jin XL and Shi CH. DBOP specifies palea development by suppressing the expansion of the margin of palea in rice. Genes Genomic, 2016, 38: 1095–1103.
Akhter D, Qin R, Nath UK, Alamin M, Jin XL, Shi CH. The brown midrib leaf (bml) mutation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) causes premature leaf senescence and the induction of defense responses. Genes, 2018, 9(3): 203.
Zeng DD, Yang CC, Qin R, Alamin M, Yue EK, Jin XL and Shi CH. A guanine insert in OsBBS1 leading to early leaf senescence and salt stress sensitive in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Cell Rep, 2018:1-14.
梁容、秦冉、曾冬冬等,水稻窄卷叶突变体 nrl4 的表型分析与基因定位。中国农业科学,2016,49(20): 3863-3873.
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